Archive | newsletter


Fall 2022 Newsletter now available online – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division is pleased to announce that our Fall 2022 Newsletter is now available on our division website at and on ISA Connect at . In our 18-page Fall 2022 newsletter you will find a wide range of articles. Here is the table of contents: 1…… Director’s Welcome 1…… Newsletter Editor’s […]

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New Newsletter Editor Announced! Introducing Mr. Slawek Wolski, our new WWID newsletter editor starting in January 2023

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industries Division is pleased to announce that Mr. Slawek Wolski will take over as our new WWID Newsletter Editor starting in January 2023. After more than 11 years in the newsletter editor role, Graham Nasby will pass the baton so that Slawek can lead this important WWID member benefit. For the current […]

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Summer 2022 Newsletter now available online – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division is pleased to announce that our 2022 summer newsletter is now available on our division website at and on ISA Connect at . In our 24-page Summer 2022 newsletter you will find a wide range of articles. Here is the table of contents: 1……. Director’s Welcome 1……. Newsletter Editor’s […]

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Spring 2022 Newsletter now available online – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division is pleased to announce that our Spring 2022 Newsletter is now available on our division website at and on . In our 18-page Spring 2022 newsletter you will find a wide range of articles. Here is the table of contents: 1……. Director’s Welcome 1……. Newsletter Editor’s Welcome 3……. Director-elect’s […]

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