Welcome from the WWID Director
Dear Friends,
In invite you to get involved with the ISA’s Water/Wastewater Industry Division. Our division brings together professionals in both the water and wastewater sectors who work with SCADA, automation and instrumention on a daily basis. Through the ISA, the water/wastewater division is an ideal meeting place for all of involved in these aspects of the municipal water/wasteawter sector.
We are currently working hard on planning our 2014 Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium. This year’s symposium is taking place August 5-7, 2014 at the Crowne Plazz Orlando-Universal Hotel Orlando, Florida. We have a strong techncial program that will encompass some 30 technical speakers, including three invited speakers, and a special keynote address. LIke last year, will will again have guest speakers from both the AWWA and WEF as part of teh symposium. . Registration is now open. Check the symposium website at www.isawwsymposium.com regularly for updates, and keep an eye on your email inbox for upcoming announcement emails about the symposium.
Ie encourage you to visit our symposium website at www.isawwsymposium.com. The website, which includes a regularly-updated blog, is your central location for information about the conference, calls for papers, keynote/plenary speakers, and other events associated with the symposium.
As a division we continue to have an active and lively WWID LinkedIn discussion group. LinkedIn is a social networking site that is focused on professionals and business people, with the main purpose being communication and networking. It is a very useful tool for building your personal network and for marketing your skills/business. To join, you can search for the “ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division” group on Linked In or you can use the following direct link http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=2031271.
We look forward to hearing from you on LinkedIn and seeing you at the upcoming 2014 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium!
Warmest Regards,
Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP
WWID Division Director
Eramosa Engineering
Phone: (519) 763-7774