December 2018 Newsletter now available online – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division is pleased to announce that our December 2018 newsletter is now available on our symposium website and at

In our 36 page newsletter you will find a wide range of articles. Here is the table of contents:

1…….Director’s Welcome
1…….Newsletter Editor’s Welcome

3…….2018 ISA Water/Wastewater Symposium Report
4…….Thanks to our 2018 Symposium Sponsors
5…….Thanks to our 2018 Symposium Exhibitors
7…….Photos from the symposium
10…….Photos from the symposium plant tour at DC Water’s Blue Plains WWTP
11…….2018 Symposium Awards for Best Presentation & Best Paper
12…….Thanks to the Symposium Committee & Symposium Statistics

15…….Reminder that 2019 student scholarship applications are due Jan 31
16…….2019 Student Scholarship application form
17…….WWID was at WEFTEC 2018
19…….WWID was at ISA’s Annual Leadership Conference (Fall Leaders Meeting)

20…….News: UN to Adopt ISA cyber security standards
20…….News: Automation Federation completes review of Automation Competency model

22…….Technical Article: Using Master Format Construction Specs for SCADA projects
29…….Society News – End of Year Message from ISA Society President

36…….WWID contacts