Photos of our award winners at the 2015 symposium

At the 2015 Symposium, we gave out awards the winners for Best Paper, Best Presentation and Best Poster from 2015 symposium. We also gave out service awards to two of our long-time ISA water/wastewater division volunteers.  Here are some photos of our award winners:

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The award winners were as follows:

ISA Water/Wastewater Division Service Awards:

2015 Member of the Year – ISA Water/Wastewater Division
Juliana Oyeniyi
Signature Automation, LLCDallas, Texas, USA

Juliana has been involved with our division leadership for the past three years. In particular, she coordinated our technical webinar, helped with organizing our symposium, and contributed articles to our newsletter.

2015 Service Award – ISA Water/Wastewater Division
Paul Lanzillotta
Costal I&C Technologies
Smithtown, New York, USA

Paul has been involved with our water/wastewater symposium since 2003, serving in multiple capacities including paper reviewer and moderator.

WWAC 2014 Best Paper

FIRST PLACE:    Using Cellular Machine-to-Machine Data Plans for Collection System SCADA: Is a Small Plan Big Enough?
Daniel Cote, P.E. and Tim Baldwin, P.E., McKim & Creed, Inc.

SECOND PLACE:    Which cybersecurity standard is most relevant for a water utility?
Don Dickinson, Phoenix Contact

THIRD PLACE:    Human Factors For Project Managers
David Lee, CEng, FIChemE, User Centered Design Services Inc

HONORABLE MENTION:    Managing Complexity – Minimizing Risk: Balancing system growth against destabilizing risk
Blair Sooley, MBA, P. Eng., Trihedral Engineering – view abstract

WWAC 2014 Best Presentation

FIRST PLACE:    Virtualizing SCADA – Improving control system reliability with proven IT technology
Jason Hamlin, City of Lynchburg Regional Wastewater Plant and Carter Farley, P.E., Instrulogic Corporation

SECOND PLACE:   Municipality Moves SCADA System from Desktop Computers to Thin Clients
Bosko Bob Loncar, The Regional Municipality of Halton

THIRD PLACE:   DNP3 Implementation – The Do’s and Don’ts
Jeff Miller, P.E., ENV SP, Mike Drescher, and Mark Leinmiller, Schneider Electric

HONORABLE MENTION:    Advanced Alarm Management Solutions
Thomas Maczuzak, MBA and Brian Heimbigner, BSChE, MBA, ABB Inc.

WWAC 2014 Best Poster:

FIRST PLACE:   Migrating from Single Monitor to Dual Monitor SCADA Workstations
Juliana Oyeniyi, CDM Smith