Winter 2022 Newsletter now available online – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

The ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division is pleased to announce that our Winter 2022 newsletter is now available on our division website at and on .

In our 12-page Winter 2022 newsletter you will find a wide range of articles. Here is the table of contents:

1……. Director’s Welcome
1……. Newsletter Editor’s Welcome
3……. Director-elect’s Welcome

3……. ISA & WWID to continue to provide virtual programming in 2022

4……. 2G/3G Cellular Networks are being phased out
4……. How to Implement an Industrial Cybersecurity Program
5……. The All-Electric Society: What is it, and how does it relate to Water?
7……. Quick-thinking Instrumentation Repair at the Ma On Shan Water Treatment Works

6……. ISA WWID supports the 2022 LIFT Intelligent Water Systems Challenge
7……. ISA WWID was at WEFTEC 2021 to present “Digital Solutions Session with ISA”
8……. CISA “Shields Up” Advisory: Potential Russian Cyber Attack Escalation

10….. The Future of ISA is Now – Carolos Manolesi, 2022 ISA Society President
11….. Call for Articles
12….. WWID Contacts

We encourage you to stay connected to your ISA Water/Wastewater Division!